Vincent van Gogh – main representative of post-impessionsm, during life he did not sale even one painting, later he became to be the most expensive artist in the world during 100 years
Amency – popular modern painter, during last 6 mounth the price for her paintings becomes higher 10 times
Jack Vettriano – the most popular and of the most chip british artist
Adam de Boer – one of the last represent
ative of a dying genre of social realism
Pablo Picasso – at the age of 18 being one of the best drawers of planet he becomes popular starting to paint horrible primitives.
Claude Monet – there are no big difference between C. Monet and V. van Gogh, even in price, both costs millions, genre post-impressionism
Jasper Johns – author of the 10-th by price painting in the world
Kazimir Malevich – everyone knows Malevich’s “Black square” but it is not the main picture of him
Jackson Pollock – author of the most expensive picture at the planet
Pieter Mondriaan – friend of H. Blavatskaya and V. Kandinsky, one of the founders of abstract art
Fernand Leger – abstract artist-comunist (pictures price about 000 000)
Keith Haring – young, talanted artist dyed from AIDS
Peter Phillips – one of the pioneers of the Pop Art movement
Mark Rothko – leading representative of abstract expressionism, one of the founders of the color field painting, paintings sold nearly half a billion dollars. Committed suicide
William de Kooning – author of the second most expencive painting in the world
Andy Wrahol – iconic persona in the history of Pheop Art movement. His “Eight Elvises” was sold for 0 000 000 in 2008
Gustav Klimt – founder of the Austrian Art Nouveau painting. One of the most expensive artists in the world
Francis Bacon – english expressionist painter, homosexual, after the first failure has destroyed all his work, in 2007 one of his paintings was bougth by R. Abramovich for 300 000
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